Beginners / Improvers
Students will learn the fundamentals of Pilates with a strong emphasis on control and technique. Beginners level is appropriate for both complete beginners as well as more experienced beginners. This class is a must for those who have had a long break from their last Pilates session, or those who are completely new to my classes. Because each exercise can be adapted, this class is suitable for everyone, including those with special requirements (such as low back pain and postnatal), but please check with me beforehand so we can discuss.

Improvers / Intermediate
Once you’ve mastered the basics and are looking for a new challenge, the improvers and intermediate class provides an opportunity to progress while continuing to develop your strength, stamina and technique. Intermediate level classes are dynamic, challenging and begin incorporating some of the ‘Classical Pilates’ exercises. This class requires students to have some prior training in Pilates, and ideally at least 10 Beginners classes under their belt. Before beginning this class, it is essential to have gained good core stability, as well as knowledge of the basic exercises.

Also known as the ‘Classical Mat’, many consider these exercises the essence of Pilates, as they are the original exercises Joseph Pilates published in his 1954 book Return to Life Through Contrology. Before trying the advanced exercises, you must have a strong command of the beginner and intermediate exercises.

“Make a close study of each exercise and do not attempt any other exercise until you first have mastered the current one and know its routine down to the last detail without any reference to the text.”
Joseph Pilates, Return to Life Through Contrology